Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.
อ.ดร.ปพิชญา เตียวกุล

- Ph.D. (Entomology) National Chung Hsing University | 2015 - 2020 Scholarship funded by National Chung Hsing University
- M.Sc. (Entomology) National Chung Hsing University | 2012 - 2014 Scholarship funded by National Chung Hsing University
- B.Sc. (Agriculture) Khonkaen University | 2009-2012
Areas of Expertise
Research and Analyses
Laboratory Technique
Field Observation (arthropods)
Databases Management
Writing Exhibition
Content online Graphic design
Papitchaya, T., W.T. Chen, Y. Sripontan, S.Y. Hwang. (2015) Elevated CO2 concentration promotes tomato plant growth but impairs Spodoptera litura performance. Research & Reviews: Journal of Zoological Sciences, 3: 35-42
Papitchaya Teawkul, Shaw-Yhi Hwang. (2018) Subtropical Tritrophic Interactions Under Elevated CO2 and Temperature Conditions. Environmental Entomology, 47: 902-907. Papitchaya Teawkul, Shaw-Yhi Hwang. (2019) Carbondioxide‐ and temperature‐mediated changes in plant defensive compounds alter food utilization of herbivores. Journal of Applied Entomology. 143: 289-298.
T. Jeenthong, P. Teawkul, Y. Samung, W. Jaitrong. (2021) An Updated Checklist of the Insect and Other Arthropod Type Specimens Deposited in the Collection of Natural History Museum of the National Science Museum, Thailand. The Thailand Natural History Museum Journal, 15(2), 73-133, 31 December.
T. Jeenthong, P. Teawkul, Y. Samung, W. Jaitrong. (2021) Annotated Catalog of the Ceratopogonid Specimens (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Deposited in the Natural History Museum of the National Science Museum Thailand. The Specimen. Online version.
T. Jeenthong, P. Teawkul, W. Jaitrong. (2021) A Catalog of the Hawkmoth Specimens (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Deposited in the Natural History Museum Collection of the National Science Museum, Thailand. The Specimen. Online version.
Oral and Poster Presentations
International academic conferences 35th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society. Place: Taipei, Taiwan. Date: 17-18 October 2014. The topic of presentation: Effects of elevated CO2 and arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi on tomato plant and subsequently on Spodoptera litura performance.
International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) 10th Annual Meeting. Place: Parma, Italy. Date: 23-26 August 2016. The topic of a poster: Benefit of Pieris rapae on Radish plant under elevated temperature.
The joint meeting of the 33rd annual meeting of the International society of chemical ecology (ISCE) and the 9th meeting of the Asia-Pacific Association of chemical ecology (APACE). Place: Kyoto, Japan. Date: 23-27 August 2017. The topic of presentation: Subtropical plant-insect-parasitoid tri-trophic interactions under elevated CO2 and temperature.
International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) 12th Annual Meeting. Place: Taichung, Taiwan. Date: 16-19 October 2018. The topic of presentation: Impacts of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration on plant-insect interactions in subtropical regions.
International Conference on Environment, Livelihood, and Services (ICELS) Place: Bangkok, Thailand. Date: 19-22 November 2018. The topic of presentation: Positive effects of black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens compost as fertilizer on Brassica oleraces var. italic performance under elevated CO2 condition
The 2nd International Symposium on Natural Science: Biodiversity and the Current State of the Changing World. Rama IX Museum, National Science Museum, Thailand. 2-3 December 2021. Poster presentation.
The Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centre (ASPAC) Virtual Conference 2021. Oral presentation. Sireepus Koypokaisawan and Papitchaya Teawkul, Rama9 Virtual Museum: Redefining the museum experience for the digital age. (online)
Thematic science museum in Asia Pacific: Concept and Creation on 15 October 2021. Rama 9 Virtual tour in Share-2- Learn Session. (online)